Visual Foam Sclerotherapy (V.F.S.)

It is the injection of the foamy liquid obtained by mixing the drug called Polidocanol-Aethoxysklerol with carbon dioxide and oxygen into the sick veins with the help of very thin needles. An interaction occurs in the vein wall in contact with the drug, the vessel hardens and closes, and the vessel is absorbed by the body over time (an average of 3 weeks to 2 months depending on the diameter of the treated vessel). In addition to cosmetic healing, regional leg pain, burning and cramps can be eliminated. Successful results are obtained in 80% of patients undergoing sclerotherapy.

In Which Veins Visual Foam Sclerotherapy Is Used?

Visual Foam Sclerotherapy (V.F.S.) is used in the treatment of thin capillaries. Spider veins with a diameter of 1-3 mm and reticular veins with a diameter of 3-4 mm are the simplest forms of varicose veins and are seen in 50% of men and 80% of women over 21 years of age. When they are not treated, their color changes while increasing in number and diameter. In general, it is ignored with the thought that it disappears with age, and it is tried to hide by makeup creams and sunbathing. The browning brought on by sunbathing can cover the spider veins in the first few months. As time passes, the sun’s rays begin to show their destructive effects on the skin. As a result, spider veins appear in a worse condition than before. The most up-to-date method used in the treatment of spider and reticular veins is Visual Foam Sclerotherapy. These vessels should be treated as early as possible in order to obtain the best and fastest treatment result.

Although capillary vessel formation in the leg is a symptom of venous insufficiency disease, thin vessels can also be seen in the face and neck due to the low-speed blood flow in the veins around the eyes, cheeks and neck. Cable-like veins in the hands, wrists, and arms usually increase with age. The veins seen in the body are usually due to pregnancy, trauma or excess weight. All those bad-looking veins that appear in areas other than the leg can also be removed with Visual Foam Sclerotherapy (or laser in appropriately selected cases).

The Method of Visual Foam Sclerotherapy (V.F.S.)

Treatment should be started after evaluating Doppler ultrasound examination. If the problem is caused by an unseen/underlying vein with damaged valves (moderate/advanced venous insufficiency), this with should be targeted and treated primarily. Consequtively, the thin veins seen in the skin can be treated with visual foam sclerotherapy. If the doppler reveals that there is no serious venous insufficiency causing the problem (mild venous insufficiency), treatment of the spider and reticular veins can be started directly.

The method is performed in an examination room and does not require any anesthesia. With the help of a special light source and magnifying lenses, very thin needles are used to enter the veins. According to the diameter of the vein, the combination and volume of the drug may vary, the procedure takes about 60-90 minutes.

In the treated area, first a fading, sometimes a temporary swelling and redness, then bruising occurs. In order to alleviate these symptoms and ensure that they pass in a short time, permanent pressure bands are adhered to the required areas for 2 days. When a certain dose limit dose is reached, the session is discontinued in order to protect against toxic and allergic side effects. The patient who is put on pressure socks can return to daily life immediately. Some creams are used to make the discoloration of the treated areas disappear more quickly.

Depending on the extent and diameter of the spider and reticular veins, the number of treatment sessions may vary from patient to patient. A large number of areas can be treated in each session.

The removal of all or most of capillaries in a patient’s legs with Visual Foam Sclerotherapy does not mean that similar vessels will not exist again in the same or in different areas. It is recommended that patients examine their legs at regular intervals and when they detect newly emerging vessels, they should have treatment without allowing their numbers to increase.

Visual Foam Sclerotherapy should not be applied during pregnancy or lactation, and to those with blood-borne infectious diseases, uncontrollable diabetes and advanced heart disease, those with clotting disorders, people who are known to have a congenital hole in their heart and have not yet been closed.

Successful results are obtained in 80% of patients undergoing sclerotherapy.

What Are the Rare Side Effects of Visual Foam Sclerotherapy?

  • Itching: It may occur in the treated area. It diseappears within a couple of hours or in 3-4 days.
  • Temporary spotting (hyperpigmentation): After treatment, light brown spots/lines can be seen on the skin in 10% of patients and they usually resolve quickly. Rarely, this darkening may last for 4-12 months. After the treatment, all stains should be protected from sunlight until they are gone, and if necessary, high-factor protective creams should be used.
  • Pain: It may last for 1-7 days. Ice can be applied to the injection points.
  • Peeling of the skin: It can be seen in very few (less than 1%) patients and heals in 1-2 months.
  • Allergic reactions: Although very rare, they can develop especially in patients with a history of allergies.
  • Blisters or wounds: It is very rare, it can occur due to the drug, the leakage of a large amount of the drug out of the vein, the bands or the socks With the use of appropriate creams, it usually regresses in a month.
  • Blood collection in the treated vein area: Wearing pressure socks reduces this possibility, especially after the treatment of veins wider than 3 mm.
  • Matting: In 18% of patients using estrogen and 2-4% of all patients, very thin new vessels may develop in the treated area 2-4 weeks after the procedure and disappear within 4-6 months.
  • Swelling in the ankle: Edema may develop in the ankle after treatment of the veins in the foot or It usually heals in a few days and decreases with the wearing of pressure socks.
  • Phlebitis: It is a very rare complication seen in 0.1% of patients treated with veins wider than 3-4 mm.
  • Distant side effects: People with congenital holes in the heart and a history of migraine-style headaches may experience headaches that last for 1-2 hours after treatment and can pass spontaneously.

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